Welcome to the gym for the brain

Combining mindfulness with the latest neuroscience to create brain-friendly workplaces where humans can be at their best.

Enjoy our free ebook

5 Tips For Smarter Working helps you to understand how the working environment affects your brain. This enables you to create the conditions to unlock your full potential. Discover 5 simple tips which could change the way you think about work.

What sets us apart

Enough catchy slogans. Let's get real. Here's what we bring to the table.

What sets us apart as providers of mindfulness-based consulting services

How we can support you

We’ll create a tailored package that fits with your needs and budget. Here are some of the offerings that our clients love…

Demonstrate the evidence supporting mindfulness in the workplace and secure buy-in from key stakeholders.

Define the path to success with an ambitious but achievable strategy which delivers a safe, scalable, sustainable approach.

Seamlessly integrate mindfulness into existing processes and procedures to maximise uptake and ease of use.

Courses, workshops and coaching, designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation, and the teams and people within it.

Give leaders the knowledge and confidence to drive culture change and create a people-focused organisation.

Impactful comms to promote the benefits to employees and offer them easy, accessible ways to get started.

Track the impact of all activities, using this to continuously strengthen the business case.

Ongoing support, plus resources, materials and templates to ensure speed, efficiency, relevance and quality.

More about our approach

To some, this will sound like we’re living on a different planet, but we believe that work should be good for you. It should give you a sense of purpose and fulfilment, and make you happy. We’ve been there and done it, and we’re here to show you how.

Preventive tools

Build mental strength and resilience, rather than waiting for illness to arrive. That's why we call it a gym for the brain.


Our programmes are based on verified scientific data, and the latest developments in neuroscience.


We don't just deliver some one-off sessions and disappear. We'll give you the tools to drive long term change.

Custom solutions

We don't grab something off the shelf. We'll make sure that what you get meets your specific requirements.

Did you know...

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that employers make mindfulness available to all employees to support mental wellbeing at work. View the guidelines.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends mindfulness as a way to promote positive mental health, reduce emotional distress and improve work effectiveness. View the guidelines.

Join our tribe

Humans have social brains, which means we love company. Well, most of us anyway. Whether you’re a social butterfly or a lone wolf, check out our socials to see our latest posts and meet your fellow MTMers.

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